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С 2020

At the beginning of the Covid pandemic there was no yeast to be found in Stuttgart, and since I bake pizza every week, I decided to try to start my own lievito madre. My twin sister started her own as well with a different flour and I have taken over it after one year (will be a different entry). I bake a wonderful south tirolese bread and tasty pizza every week since


Balanced, nutty flour taste, sour but balanced with an hint of lactic acid

Вкус и аромат

Twin@valeria top shot
Twin@valeria jar shot
Twin@valeria front shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 100g Flour 550 from the stadtmuehle waldenbuch
  • 100g Water
  • 1tsp Honey

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 80g Flour 550 from stadtmuehle waldenbuch
  • 80g Starter
  • 50g Water
80g Flour 550 from stadtmuehle waldenbuch 80g Starter 50g Water

Метод работы

Started the starter in 2020 with flour, water and a dash of honey
100g Flour 550 from the stadtmuehle waldenbuch 100g Water 1tsp Honey


Pane tirolese (sort of Vischgauer)


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