
Liquido Farina Altro

Conserva il tuo lievito madre per il futuro

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dal 2020

At the beginning of the Covid pandemic there was no yeast to be found in Stuttgart, and since I bake pizza every week, I decided to try to start my own lievito madre. My twin sister started her own as well with a different flour and I have taken over it after one year (will be a different entry). I bake a wonderful south tirolese bread and tasty pizza every week since


Balanced, nutty flour taste, sour but balanced with an hint of lactic acid

Sapore e aroma

Twin@valeria top shot
Twin@valeria jar shot
Twin@valeria front shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 100g Flour 550 from the stadtmuehle waldenbuch
  • 100g Water
  • 1tsp Honey

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 80g Flour 550 from stadtmuehle waldenbuch
  • 80g Starter
  • 50g Water
80g Flour 550 from stadtmuehle waldenbuch 80g Starter 50g Water

Metodo di lavorazione

Started the starter in 2020 with flour, water and a dash of honey
100g Flour 550 from the stadtmuehle waldenbuch 100g Water 1tsp Honey


Pane tirolese (sort of Vischgauer)


Conserva il tuo lievito madre per il futuro

Crea il tuo Esplora la biblioteca