Danville Sour recipe

Danville Sour

Danville, Vereinigte Staaten


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Danville Sour

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seit 2022

I wanted more flavor in my bread.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Ferments pretty quickly. Nice balance of roasted notes and acidity. The acidity is more like vinegar vs. butter. The bread it produces is mild and well aerated.

Geschmack und Aroma


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 50% King arthur bread flour
  • 50% Camas county hard red wheat flour

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

1. Discard 90% 2. Add 3:1 Water:Starter and stir 3. Add the same weight of 50/50 white/wheat flour mix as the amount of water.


Slightly sour with floral notes.
50% King arthur bread flour 50% Camas county hard red wheat flour



Danville Sour Bread first overview
Danville Sour Bread second overview

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