Lievito Harris recipe

Lievito Harris

Volos, Greece


Liquid Flour Other
Lievito Harris

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Since 2016

The sourdough for me represents a lifestyle. In my first steps in baking i had the luck to be taught by great bakers like Beesham Soogrim, Ezio Marinato and Josep Pasqual, they opened my eyes and i learned the advantages that sourdough gives to a dough and the benefits of fermentation. After that i felt that baking with sourdough was a must for me!! Sourdough opened a new adventurus world for me.


I think it is unique because of the aromas that it produces and because of the low quantity of food it gets in every feeding it is relaxed and quick in fermenting so it can be very useful in mass production.

Taste & flavour


Starting ingredients

Feeding ingredients

I scale my sourdough and then add its weight flour and its weight water.

Working method



Barley Bread with Sourdough and Beer

A great combination of barley, beer and sourdough
Lievito Harris Barley Bread with Sourdough and Beer second overview
Lievito Harris Barley Bread with Sourdough and Beer first slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library
