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С 2009



The flavor is unique, not sure if is the region, the rye or freshly milled grains, but its taste is incredible. I have a friend from Paris, that told me once that this is of the best breads she ever tried, and definitely the best she could find around that remind her of Paris.

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100% hydration of freshly milled rye flour, put back on refrigerator

Метод работы

100% hydration of whole rye flour (freshly milled) and 20% starter, let mature for 10-12 hours
20% whole wheat flour (freshly mill) 80% bread flour 12.7% protein 70% water 15% starter (from previous step) Mix everything and do 20 min autolyse.
Add another 5% water and 2% salt. Stretch and folds 4 every 30 min, bulk fermentation 3 hours. Divide to 960 grs Preshape to a ball, rest 20 min, shape to boule or batard, proof overnight in refrigerator on a banneton. Bake with steam at 500 for 5 min then lower to 450 for extra 20 min. Short steam again at 30 sec.

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