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С 2016

My elder daughter is very particular about her health. In the year 2005 she was introduced to macrobiotic food which is gut friendly way of eating healthy food. Over the years i got interested and then came across a lot of articles on Sourdough bread and its benefit for our health. I am extremely grateful to the UNIVERSE and ALMIGHTY for getting me in touch with people like you , Vanessa etc.


My starter is always ready and on the go as it is fed regularly and bakes some of the best Sourdough Breads in the world. It has lovely earthy colour as is made with stone ground indian whole wheat and smells absolutely delicious.

Вкус и аромат

Jiya top shot
Jiya jar shot
Jiya front shot
Jiya rising shot


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I bake a lot of breads, crackers and other indian breads

Boule, Sandwich loaf, Millet, Focaccia,crackers and lot of indian breads like bhatura etc.
Jiya I bake a lot of breads, crackers and other indian breads first overview
Jiya I bake a lot of breads, crackers and other indian breads second overview
Jiya I bake a lot of breads, crackers and other indian breads first slice

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