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С 2020

Attempt to recreate my beloved Italian bread in Germany.


Gennarino is extremely lively and versatile. It can convert in Liquid sourdough and in sweet sourdough. It is very aromatic with a light sour note which is what I personally search in a "sour"dough, although it's not too dominant. I never used any other ingredient beyond flour and water, although I may change flour brand from time to time. But I always choose certified organic bread flour.

Вкус и аромат


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 100% Flour
  • 50% Water

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 75g Water
  • 150g Flour
Take 150 gr of the original sourdough and dissolve in 75 gr water with a fork and then a mixer. Add 150 gr organic bread flour
75g Water 150g Flour

Метод работы

I started Gennarino in Germany during the first lockdown in April 2020, then I brought it to Naples in summer to strengthen and the Neapolitan flour (Caputo) , warmth and Neapolitan water did the miracle (therefore its name from Naaple's patron). Gennarino has a very light sour note and aromatic, is extremely lively and can "starve" in the fridge for full 3 weeks. Gennarino is organic.
100% Flour 50% Water

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