Maybe apple and honey recipe

Maybe apple and honey

Bojano, Italia


Liquido Farina Altro
Maybe apple and honey

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dal 1952



the fantastic feature of my sourdough is that despite its extraordinary strength in Big Italian leavened like panettone and colomba , the taste is always very great and not aggressive, with notes of sugar and fruits

Sapore e aroma

Maybe apple and honey top shot
Maybe apple and honey rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 500g Sourdough
  • 235g Water
  • 500g Wheat flour
Water and sourdough mix together until get a liquid cream. Then add wheat flour W360 and mix until a smooth dough is obtained
500g Sourdough 235g Water 500g Wheat flour

Metodo di lavorazione



Maybe apple and honey  first overview
Maybe apple and honey  second overview
Maybe apple and honey  first slice
Maybe apple and honey  second slice

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