Polar Bear
desde 2012
Only industrial bread available in Thailand made with high sugar and low nutrition. Also my daughter needed to do a school science project, she wanted to do polar bears but as a chef I felt documenting the creation of a levain was more interesting and something I could help with. So the name Polar Bear was given to our starter . We don't have a great selection of local flours but that's ok.
They are a hungry colony . The smell is acidic compared to some of my younger starters. It's age seems to mean that it consumes the fuel faster. Occasionally they need a hit of wholewheat to satisfy them
Ingredientes de partida
- 50g Water
- 15g Strong bread flour
- 15g Rye flour
- 2tsp Thai raisins
- 2tsp Local live yoghurt
- 50g Water
- 15g Rye
- 15g Bread flour
- 100g Water
- 30g Rye
- 30g Bread flour
- 100g Water
- 125g Bread flour
- 100g Water
- 125g Bread flour
ingredientes de alimentación
I only maintain about 20g starter and rebuild to bake. I feed x3 per day for 2 days. Discarding between feeds. I feed more at night.
método de trabajo
all ingredients were mixed in 2012, left for 24 hours . My room temperature is 28c
50g Water
15g Strong bread flour
15g Rye flour
2tsp Thai raisins
2tsp Local live yoghurt
after 24 hours feed with more flours and water mixing well
50g Water
15g Rye
15g Bread flour
after 24 hours feed with more flours and water mixing well
100g Water
30g Rye
30g Bread flour
after 24 hours discard the raisins and 3/4 of the young ferment add fresh ingredients mixing well
100g Water
125g Bread flour
after 24 hours discard the raisins and 3/4 of the young ferment add fresh ingredients mixing well
100g Water
125g Bread flour