Perfekter Sauerteig
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Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Sauerteig Entdecken Sie die Bibliothekseit 2018
To have a healthy delicious fresh bread everyday. It’s also interesting to learn deeper about this bread. It’s like a home science and art at the same time.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
It has a mild taste of sourness, depend how long proofing time, bit of umami , full flavour.
Geschmack und Aroma

Zutaten für den Starter
- 25g Starter
- 50g Distilled water
- 25g Bread flour
- 25g Fine ground wheat flour
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 25g Starter
- 50g Distilled water
- 25g Bread flour
- 25g Wheat flour
I left 25gr of starter and add 50gr of distilled water, 25 gr of bread flour and 25gr of fine whole wheat, almost everyday in every 12 hours
25g Starter
50g Distilled water
25g Bread flour
25g Wheat flour
It was born in October 2018. for the first year, i fed it regularly in 1:2:2 ratios starter : water (distilled) : flour (20% rye : 40% bread : 40% wheat ) and in the past 1 year up until present, i fed with 50% of bread flour & 50% of fine wheat flour. It peak in 3,5 hours each time after refresh.
25g Starter
50g Distilled water
25g Bread flour
25g Fine ground wheat flour
Sourdough Classic
Made from flour (wheat, rye and bread flour) water levain and salt.

Sourdough Whole Wheat
Whole wheat 40% & bread flour 60%, distilled water, levain & salt

Roggenbrot / rye bread
Various toppings such as berries, seeds, oats or mix of both can be added as it can be customized in any order made.

Healthy levain, healthy delicious bread!