George recipe


San Francisco, Vereinigte Staaten


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere

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seit Unbekannt

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

started out inactive and sluggish, after a week it was getting very bubbly within 16-18 hours, would have a foam of bubbles at the top. put in the fridge at around day 10 for 3 days, and it's pretty sluggish coming back to life. started out without much aroma, then went to sharp vinegar, then has been mellowing into more of a yogurty aroma. haven't bake with it yet, can't wait!

Geschmack und Aroma


Zutaten für den Starter

Zutaten für die Auffrischung



created this starter as part of the Quest for Sourdough experiment! made with the same whole wheat flour as the 15 other bakers from around the world. half flour/half water, let sit for 24 hours at room temp, throw most of it away, repeat!

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