2018 'dan beri
strong sweet smell, like pH 8.8 spring water, with lots of large bubbles on the sides of the jar, can tripled in volume increase, and great stamina: 8-12 hrs.
Lezzet ve Tat

Başlangıç malzemeleri
- 40g 35℃ water
- 40g Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
- 30g 35℃ water
- 30g Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
- 90% Bob's red mill artisan bread flour
- 10% Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
- 100% Shipton traditional white flour
Besleme malzemeleri
- 5g Sophia
- 5g 35℃ warm water
- 5g Flour
Put the jar on the scale, zero out.
Using a small offset spatula, take out 5g starter.
Using a small rubber spatula, scrape the starter into a clean soup cup or small bowl.
5g Sophia
Fill the kettle with filtered water, turn it on for 15 secs. or until when placing the palm on the exterior body, has a bit of heat on it.
Pour the mildly-heated water into a shot glass sized measuring cup, and take the temperature.
suitable temp. range: 33-36℃
If temp is too high, pour a bit of cold filtered water into the measuring cup, stir it a bit, then take the temp one more time.
When temp is right, put the measuring cup onto the scale, zero out.
using a small spoon, scoop out 5g warm water into the 5g starter bowl.
Using the rubber spatula to mix until fully dissolved.
Check to make sure there's no lumps or small particles left by tilting the bowl in every angle
5g 35℃ warm water
put the bowl onto the scale, zero out.
scoop 5g flour into the bowl.
using rubber spatula, mix until fully incorporated, no dry flour bits, no lumps.
the texture should resemblance of a high hydration dough (90%), when stirred, can feel a bit of elasticity in it.
5g Flour
using the offset spatula to scrape the residue of the mix off the rubber spatula into the bowl, then repeat, now using rubber spatula to scrape down offset spatula.
After both spatulas are quite clean, using rubber spatula to scoop up the mixture into a small clean jar.
Dimension of my little glass jar:
diameter: 5.5 cm
height: 6.5 cm
Make sure to scrape down any residue on the spatula.
Using offset spatula, carefully level out the top.
If necessary, using the small rubber spatula to scrape the sides for any excess starter, clean sides are easier to gauge the progress.
Put some sort of mark on the initial height, you can use rubber band or clear tape.
Loosely place the lid on top, DO NOT seal it, it needs air to reproduce actively.
Çalışma yöntemi
It all started on Dec. 29th, 2018.
Day 1-4 using BakeWithJack no discard accumulate method.
35℃ Water & Bob's Red Mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour, 10 grams each per day.
Day 2, have signs of life: can see small bubbles on the sides.
Day 3, starting to gain volume.
smell: floral & fermented sweet rice wine
40g 35℃ water
40g Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
Day 5, volume increase starting to shrink, with a blue cheese & strong acetone smell.
take half of the starters out, fed 1/2 starter with 10g rye flour, 10g 35℃ water, the other half went to the fridge.
Day 6, smell started to diminish, volume increase back to normal.
Day 7, cheesy smell disappeared. made a sourdough boule, but failed, due to the starter is too young, culture not stable.
30g 35℃ water
30g Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
onwards to day 14, start discard and feeding 1:1:1, once a day.
14 days later, if keeping in room temp., feeding accordingly to the status of the starter, i.e., whether or not falling.
if not baking, after feeding it, wait until risen 1/4, and then place in 5℃ fridge.
Smell: ripe apple+grape aroma
month 7, because the starter won't fall when it's hungry, only emitting acetone smell, can't really tell when's the best time to feed it, therefore starting with FullProofBaking's ratio of 90% bread flour+10% rye flour.
I'm using Bob's Red Mill Artisan Bread Flour.
Smell: natural bakery aroma
90% Bob's red mill artisan bread flour
10% Bob's red mill organic stoneground wholegrain dark rye flour
A few weeks later, trying to cut the rye flour, but unsuccessful, with no bubbles, but volume increase is the same.
Month 9, trying Shipton traditional white flour, no problem, the starter took the new food source pretty well, and apparently loving it: with lots of large bubbles and triple in volume increase
Smell: sweet as spring water
100% Shipton traditional white flour
Month 11, trying Wessex Mill French Bread Flour, no problem, same good performance, i.e., bubbles, volume increase, smell
Sandwich bread
no commercial yeast.
8-10hrs proofing time (bulk & final)
very flavourful, natural bakery aroma

souffle pancakes
made with discard
no extra-added flour
oil free, low in sugar content.
healthy and delicious

semi authentic Italian stye pizza
homemade sauce

t65 sourdough bread
thin crispy crust, creamy buttery soft texture.
flavour of 45% rye flour+bread flour+rye starter

Finnish rye bread
texture of canele, mildly yogurt-like sourness

lavash crisps
perfect alternative for chips
no extra flour
using 100% discard

walnut spelt t80 sourdough loaf
nutty sweetness

saltine crackers
using discard
low fat