Candy Candy
2012 'dan beri
My daughter have hypersensitve since newborn. So much allergic of food. All her food must be homemade include the bread. I 've learn to baking bread by myself. Later I am know about natural starter from fruits and sourdough. Then baking bread became my hobby, joy, love and passion.
Candy Candy make from 175 ml skimmed milk 75 ml kefir Heat the milk gently until lukewarm, place the yoghurt into a bowl and stir the milk. The natural yoghurt gives your starter a helping hand by introducing some friendly bacteria.
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starter : water : flour
Çalışma yöntemi
Day 1
175 ml skimmed milk
75 ml live natural yoghurt
Heat the milk gently until lukewarm, place the yoghurt into a bowl and stir the milk. The natural yoghurt gives your starter a helping hand by introducing some friendly bacteria. Cover and leave at room temperature for 12-24 hours until thickened. Stir in any liquids that may have sperated.
Day 2
120 gr strong white bread flour
Stir the flour evenly into the yoghurt mixture. Cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours (2 days). After this time the mixture should be full of bubbles and smell pleasantly sour.
Day 4
175 gr strong white bread flour
100 ml water
40 ml milk
Add the four to the starter and mix in the water and milk. Cover and leave at room temperature for 12 -
Day 5
The starter should be quiet active and full of little bubbles. If not give another day or two.
Add the flour and water to your remaining starter and mixed vigorously until combined. Set aside for at least 12- 24 hours for it to feed on the fresh flour and water before you remove any more starter to bake it.
Your sourdough starter can also be frozen and then defrosted 48 hour before it’s need again. When its dry, crumble it and sore in an airtight container such as kilner jar. You can rehydrate it by feeding it as normal.
If you see thin layer of watery or vinegary liquid forming the surface, this is your starter telling you its very hungry. Pour off the liquid and feed it straightaway, or risk having to begin all over again.
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