Stella Mocaidy
Since Unknown
Our formidable, high-performance Stella - Best explained with an example: a 750 - gram bread with 50% rye - whole grain and 50% whole grain - wheat flour, Stella lifts in about 2-2.5 hours without addition of yeast at about 21°Celsius to twice the size.
Taste & flavour
Starting ingredients
Feeding ingredients
Working method

Well, we don't want to say too many words about us, we prefer to talk a little about the practically odourless (!) Stella Mocaidy, our sourdough!
After many tests with many different sourdoughs in the course of several years, "Stella Mocaidy" is a sourdough that surpasses everything we have ever produced before in terms of driving power and dough guiding properties. It was especially important to us that the sourdough didn't stink, because that's something extremely unappetizing about sourdough, right? :)
Our formidable, high-performance Stella - Best explained with an example: a 750 - gram bread with 50% rye - whole grain and 50% whole grain - wheat flour, Stella lifts in about 2-2.5 hours without addition of yeast at about 21°Celsius to twice the size. This is how Stella developed:
At more than ten places in national parks, in forests, in coastal areas in New Zealand we took 250 grams of rye flour on hikes and oxidized the flour in the air. The idea was to use New Zealand's uniquely diverse landscape to capture as many wild yeasts as possible in the flour. These landscapes included:
The flour was everywhere and we carefully exposed it to the air on site. Through these "inoculations" we hoped to be able to draw a varied "wild yeast map" into the flour with the main aim of obtaining many opitmal yeasts. We are currently in the process of having "Stella Mocaidy" tested by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences for Food Technology by a food technologist who is researching sourdough there to find out whether "Stella Mocaidy" has such a variety of wild yeasts as we hope. In any case, Stella Mocaidy is an extremely efficient sourdough with New Zealand wild yeast. As people who are concerned about purity and cleanliness (baking is exact, hygiene is our top priority!) it is very important for us to emphasize that Stella Mocaidy shows practically no odour development.