Missi recipe


Houston, United States


Liquid Flour Other

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

Since 2019

I had a sweet, liquid sourdough that utilized potatoes for years, but wanted to do a Flour/ Water version for health purposes.


I’m not certain. It is only a little over a year old. Seems to be strong and healthy.

Taste & flavour


Starting ingredients

  • 50g All purpse flour
  • 30g Bread flour
  • 20g Whole wheat flour
  • 100g Water

Feeding ingredients

  • 50g All purpose flour
  • 30g Bread flour
  • 20% Whole wheat
  • 100g Water
  • 25g Starter
Take out of fridge, mix, put in tall glass container with rubber band marking level, place coffee filter on top, and place in proofing box till bubbly and doubled in size
50g All purpose flour 30g Bread flour 20% Whole wheat 100g Water 25g Starter

Working method

All Purpose Flour, Bread Four, Whole Wheat Four and Water . I discarded all but 25 gm and fed everyday for two months, until my starter reliably bubbled and doubled in size.
50g All purpse flour 30g Bread flour 20g Whole wheat flour 100g Water

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library