Perfect sourdough
Katerina's Prozymaki
Since 2015
I'm a food blogger with big love in doughs! My first doughs for bread were with dry yeast, then with fresh yeast and then came sourdough! Now for my breads I only use sourdough, for other types of dough I mostly use yeast. I have 2 sourdough starters, one usual with regular water and flour and the 2nd with raisin water and flour (fruity and wonderful).
My sourdough is one year old and I love it! I made it out of curiocity and I'm addicted to it since then. It took me many steps to finally get it to a level that I understand what it needs, how to feed it, how long to ferment, to know when its ready for baking etc. It's an alive and fully active sourdough!!
Taste & flavour

Starting ingredients
- tbsp 2 water
- tbsp 3 flour
Feeding ingredients
- g 100 sourdough starter
- g 100 flour
- g 100 water
- g 300 starter
I measure out the amount of starter that i need for my baking. Usually I take 100 grams of sourdough to feed it.
g 100 sourdough starter
I feed it with equal grams of flour
g 100 flour
And equal grams of water
g 100 water
I mix them until fully incorporate and let it at room tempature for at least 8 hours before use. The remaining sourdough in my jar is also feeded with equal grams of flour and water and goes back into the fridge.
g 300 starter
Working method
To create my sourdough starter I used 2 tablespoons of water
tbsp 2 water
And 3 tbsp of flour. For the next 24h I stir it for 2-3 times. After the first 24h I feeded it again with 2tbsp water and 3tbsp of flour. Following the same process every 24h for about 5 days, feeding it and stirring it 2-3 times each day, till I saw the first bubbles. The smell was a bit sour. Every since its in the fridge, feeding it each time before use.
tbsp 3 flour
Cinammon & Tahini Rolls
Sweet Cinammon Rolls with my raisin sourdough, fully flavoured with great aroma.

Focaccia with Rosemary & Olives, Dinner Rolls
Bread recipe with olive oil mixed in the dough. Focaccia has olives, fresh rosemary, dried oregano, salt and olive.

Sweet Bread with Nutella filling
450gr flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 120gr sourdough, 1pinch salt, 30gr butter, 1 cup milk, 1egg, 3tbsp Nutella and poppy seeds.

Classic bread recipe with special cutting. On top : olive oil, rosemary, oregano, salt. Crusty bread.

Playing with my blade :)

Playing with my blade (part 2) :)

Stencil Breads
Stenciling my breads with homemade paper stencils.