Tartine Starter recipe

Tartine Starter

Salt Lake City, United States
완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Tartine Starter

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2017 이후

After 60 years in the bakery business, it is still the most interesting .


Makes a light whole wheat bread (30%). Slightly sour. Firm crust. Chewy crumb. Light nutty flavor. Very versatile. Toast, sandwich , french toast .. Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner.

맛과 풍미

Tartine Starter top shot
Tartine Starter jar shot
Tartine Starter front shot
Tartine Starter rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 50g Starter
  • 50g Flour mixture
  • 50g Water


  • 200g Water
  • 200g Flour mix
  • 50g Starter
Day before baking: Mix 50g starter, 200g Flour Mix, 200g water (21C). Ferment 24 hours
200g Water 200g Flour mix 50g Starter


Starter: 50g mother starter + 50g water + 50g flour mix (50/50 Bread/ Whole Wheat) Mix everyday, and ferment at room temperature . Refresh every 24 hours. Refrigerate if out of town.
50g Starter 50g Flour mixture 50g Water



Good for all occasions.
Tartine Starter FriendBread first overview
Tartine Starter FriendBread second overview
Tartine Starter FriendBread first slice
Tartine Starter FriendBread second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


Thanks for your work on this. Very interesting. I have two other starters that have been going a lot longer, but like this the most.

Thank you Craig. You can register all of them. Make it your little inventory.