
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2019 이후

Tried and failed multiple times until I decided to do more research. Couple recipes didn't cut it. I researched for months and even then I didn't stick to one single recipe.


Reliable and sometimes feisty. Knows when I'm happy or sad. I talk to him and handle him with love. If I'm having a difficult day I try to remove myself from the situation and be present. It has the good habit of tripling easily. Sensitive to the type of water I use. It prefers room temp filtered, that has been sitting overnight. Scent ranges from grassy to sour to champagne-like (seasonally).

맛과 풍미

Spartacus jar shot
Spartacus rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 30g Ap flour and rye flour
  • 30g Water


My starter lives in the fridge between bakes. I travel for work and husband and son don't follow instructions well. "Ce n'est pas mon truc" has been uttered. When I'm back in town, Spartacus comes out of fridge. When at room temp., I feed it twice at 6-8 hour intervals. The next morning, he is ready to go into my levain! The usual portion (10g) gets fed again during the day I am mixing.


To 10g starter I add a 75/25% mix of
30g Ap flour and rye flour 30g Water
I mix everything well and set it on the counter during hot weather or in the oven with light on and door ajar in cold weather.


Bread of course, viennoiseries, fougasse, bretzels.

First is a 70/30 whole grain. Pain au chocolat (need to work on folds), fougasse aux olives and bretzels
Spartacus Bread of course, viennoiseries, fougasse, bretzels. first overview
Spartacus Bread of course, viennoiseries, fougasse, bretzels. second overview
Spartacus Bread of course, viennoiseries, fougasse, bretzels. first slice
Spartacus Bread of course, viennoiseries, fougasse, bretzels. second slice

With inclusions. Baguette

Nuts, black olives, green olives. Baguettes
Spartacus With inclusions. Baguette first overview
Spartacus With inclusions. Baguette second overview
Spartacus With inclusions. Baguette first slice
Spartacus With inclusions. Baguette second slice

Beignets, brioche

Top view, chocolate and lemon/vanilla filling. Brioche
Spartacus Beignets, brioche first overview
Spartacus Beignets, brioche second overview
Spartacus Beignets, brioche first slice
Spartacus Beignets, brioche second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


Always exploring. Sourdough is a big rabbit hole