Miss Bubbles recipe

Miss Bubbles

Melbourne, 호주


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Miss Bubbles

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Since 2017

I loved the sourdough I bought and decided to try making my own. Mine is better!


Miss Bubbles is now a great starter, although only 7 months old. She can rise terrific loaves and recently I proved a loaf in the refrigerator overnight as it was too hot here. The resulting loaf was extra delicious - it's true that a lengthy , cool proof adds wonderful flavour. Miss Bubbles is a reliable, healthy starter and she really loves her rye flour!

맛과 풍미


Starting ingredients

Feeding ingredients

Tip out about half the starter, put onto scales and add about 40g flour mix and 40g tank (rain) water at room temperature. Stir with rubber spatula, pop cover on and leave till next feed.

Working method

Home milled organic rye (10%), all purpose bakers flour (Wallaby brand). 100% hydration

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