완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2018 이후

I joined a bread baking group on facebook where they used to put pictures of awesome sourdough breads. Till then I did not know such awesome breads exist! That is when I decided to attend a workshop to learn these breads and rest as they say is history :-). Thanks to my teacher and my fellow bakers from the workshop, I have learnt a lot in the last 1.5 years. Still Sourdough always surprises me.


I created this in April 2018 so it is a very young starter - still a baby or a toddler :-). It is a slightly thick starter (although it is always at 100% hydration). It is lazy and takes its own sweet time to peak :-) - around 6-7 hours in the Indian weather condition (average temperature of between 27-30C except in summer when it is over 40C).

맛과 풍미

Mastani top shot
Mastani jar shot
Mastani front shot
Mastani rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 100% Organic wheat flour
  • 100% Water


  • 10g Mother
  • 40g Organic wheat flour
  • 40g Water
Feeding ratio is 1:4:4 where 1 is the mother and I feed it 4 times the flour and water.
10g Mother 40g Organic wheat flour 40g Water


I use local organic wheat (brand 24 Mantra) to make and feed this starter
100% Organic wheat flour
To this I add equal amount of plain water
100% Water


Boule and soft sandwich loaf

Have made plain boule and cheese boule and garlic and herb soft sandwich loaf
Mastani Boule and soft sandwich loaf first overview
Mastani Boule and soft sandwich loaf second overview
Mastani Boule and soft sandwich loaf second slice


Yummy brownies from discard
Mastani Brownies first overview


Sourdough Crackers in different flavours
Mastani Crackers first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library