
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Maritime starter

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2016 이후

I have spent the last 5 years fermenting everything I could get my hands on and exploring food and beverage fermenting traditions from around the world. I remember the bakery in my mom's village in Spain and learned that, that bread I so much loved was made using sourdough. I just had to try and replicate it...


it has gone through so much and survived! It is amazing how resilient it is. I have frozen for up to a month at a time, dehydrated it for travel and experimented with different feedings and temperature...

맛과 풍미

Maritime starter top shot
Maritime starter jar shot


시작하는 원료

  • g 900 rye flour


  • g 100 flour
I have fed it daily changing flours on several occasions from Kamut to spelt to whole wheat and eventually back to using white flour as I find it works best. I feed my sourdough using equal parts of starter water and flour always transferring to a clean jar and letting it sit on my counter at 19C to 20C
g 100 flour
I have started experimenting with using the amounts same as above but refrigerating for one week at a time. At time of using, I leave on counter 20C until very active before re-feeding and using.


started my sourdough about two years ago. mixed 200g of rye flour with 200g of filtered water into a mason jar and covered it with a linen towel. next day and 7 days after that I added 100g water and 100g flour to the mixture always transferring to a clean jar.
g 900 rye flour

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library