
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2019 이후

After moving to Thailand, there was one food item I missed and it was bread. The bread sold here is usually soft milk bread but I was looking for a crispy whole wheat loaf. I started baking yeast breads but because good flour is hard to find here, the loafs I baked were lacking flavour. So I started to experiment with sourdough to create a flavourful loaf of bread. Now I bake twice a week.


The smell is yeasty and sweet but while tasting, the acetic acids are omnipresent.

맛과 풍미

Jef jar shot
Jef front shot


시작하는 원료

  • 22% Wholemeal Wheat Flour
  • 23% Bread flour
  • 45% Water
  • 10% Starter


Because Thailand (and my kitchen) are very hot, a starter kept outside would require constant feeding, which is not viable for a home baker. I thus keep discards in the fridge which I then use as the basis for a starter to start bake with. It goes through the same feeding regime as described above, about 3 to 4 times before it’s ready to use in the dough.


My sourdough discards are not thrown away but are stored in a jar in the fridge. I use them to make waffles, pancakes, apple cake, … Before baking sourdough bread, I use this discard to get a starter going. I take a new jar, add about 10% of the discard and then a mixture of whole wheat flour (with bran) and bread flour (in equal parts) 45% and water 45%. Repeat this 3 to 4 times before baking.
22% Wholemeal Wheat Flour 23% Bread flour 45% Water 10% Starter


Whole wheat sourdough

Jef Whole wheat sourdough first overview
Jef Whole wheat sourdough second overview
Jef Whole wheat sourdough first slice

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Jef Sourdough hot dog buns second overview

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Jef Sourdough crepes first overview

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Jef Sourdough burger buns first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library