완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Gooey 1

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2017 이후

I make yeast bread for a number of years, and started hearing more about sourdough and the benefits of eating it and decided to try my hand at it and I have not used yeast for my breads since


I make a white flour most of the time,sometimes I will substitute whole wheat for some of the all purpose flour I use. It turns out with a nice crisp crust . Smaller Crumb holes ( I like my butter to stay on) very soft crumb. Nice tangy flavour I bake it usually on pizza stone

맛과 풍미

Gooey 1 top shot
Gooey 1 jar shot
Gooey 1 front shot
Gooey 1 rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 4oz Water
  • 2oz Wholewheat flourr
  • 2oz All purpose flour


  • 4oz Water
  • 4oz All purpose flour
Remove from frig. Let warm up for a couple hours. Remove discard, feed all purpose flour and bottle water. Let sit till double in size. Remove what I need for recipe. Refeed. When double place in frig to keep for next time
4oz Water 4oz All purpose flour


Mixed whole wheat and all purpose flour with bottled water . Day 1 let sit, covered. Day 2 discard half feed 4 Oz water and 4oz flour. Day 3 discard half after 12 hours and feed as previously. Days 4,5&6 repeat. Nice bubbly, gooey starter doubled in size. Ready to bake with!
4oz Water 2oz Wholewheat flourr 2oz All purpose flour


Pancakes, pizza dough, chocolate cake ,burger buns

These have all turned out to be very tasty. The chocolate cake blew my mind with the flavour.
Gooey 1 Pancakes, pizza dough,  chocolate  cake ,burger buns first overview
Gooey 1 Pancakes, pizza dough,  chocolate  cake ,burger buns second overview
Gooey 1 Pancakes, pizza dough,  chocolate  cake ,burger buns first slice
Gooey 1 Pancakes, pizza dough,  chocolate  cake ,burger buns second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


I absolutely love baking with sourdough starter! I use it instead of yeast whenever I can.