
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2018 이후

The first time I was introduced to s sourdough starter I was fascinated, it was a generational starter from New Zealand. Unfortunately I killed it, then went to a bread baking course and killed another. I felt more determined to create my own starter and fell in love more and more with the simplicity of flour, water and salt and its ability to become a generational treasure for future baking!


Bubbles have a very mild personality, not very acid or potent. Bubbles have a very lovely nutty smell with a slight tangy smell/taste. Some days she can be very mellow and slow whereas other days she reach for the skies.

맛과 풍미

Bubbles top shot
Bubbles jar shot
Bubbles front shot
Bubbles rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 60% Bread flour
  • 20% Rye flour
  • 20% Whole wheat flour
  • 100% Water


  • 15g Sourdough starter
  • 15g Flour mix
  • 15g Water
I remove my starter from the fridge, measure some out (15g) and feed it with my 60% white 20% whole wheat & 20% rye flour mixture (15g initially)and an equal amount of water (15g) I repeat the feeding process 2x a day in the winter or 3x a day in the summer. I also often change the feeding ratio of Sourdough:Flour mix: Water from1:1:1 to 1:2:2 depending on the weather/temperature.
15g Sourdough starter 15g Flour mix 15g Water


I maintain a liquid starter, which I feed with a mixture of bread flour, rye flour and whole wheat flour. When not in use I store Bubbles in the fridge, then when planning to bake (weekly) I feed the starter for a few (usally 2 days) days (2 / 3 time a day) to get it nice and active before baking.
60% Bread flour 20% Rye flour 20% Whole wheat flour 100% Water


Sourdough Bread

Bread of varing formulae, nothing specific with whole wheat, rye and bread flour, enriched with eggs or butter.
Bubbles Sourdough Bread  first overview
Bubbles Sourdough Bread  second overview
Bubbles Sourdough Bread  first slice
Bubbles Sourdough Bread  second slice

Sourdough Baguettes

These are a special favourite of mine and I regularly get addicted to them all over!
Bubbles Sourdough Baguettes  first overview
Bubbles Sourdough Baguettes  second overview
Bubbles Sourdough Baguettes  first slice
Bubbles Sourdough Baguettes  second slice

All things sweet

I also love baking sourdough hot cross buns. Brownies or waffles with excess starter is also a favourite.
Bubbles All things sweet first overview
Bubbles All things sweet second overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library