
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2012 이후

A doctor told me I probably was gluten intolerant and should stop eating bread. I LOVE bread so I decided to try every means to eat bread. After moving over to only sourdough I haven't had to see the doctor again. And now I only eat proper handmade bread with few ingredients.


My sourdough yields breads and baked goods with a complex flavour. My bakes are never sour but rather sweet and nutty tasting. My sourdough seems to be able to handle just about anything; months of neglecting, irregular feedings, being left too close to the warm stove.. it always becomes it's bubbly self again.

맛과 풍미

Betty top shot
Betty jar shot
Betty rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 50g Water
  • 25g Organic whole wheat
  • 25g Organic flour


  • 100% Water
  • 50% Organic whole wheat flour
  • 50% Orgnaic flour
I feed my sourdough morning and evening. Sometimes if I know I won't bake for two or three days I feed it once a day. If I'm busy I keep it in the fridge so I won't end up with excess starter. I try and feed it about 3-4 hours before I intend to bake from it, to get a sweet flavour.
100% Water 50% Organic whole wheat flour 50% Orgnaic flour


I feed my starter with equal amounts of water and flour. I prefer my sourdough to be equal amounts of wanter vs. flour. I also feel that my starter ferments better when I use organic flour, esp. whole wheat flour.
50g Water 25g Organic whole wheat 25g Organic flour


Sourdough crips

These are thin crackers, perfect for excess starter
Betty Sourdough crips first overview

Liquorice rolls

These are buns, like cinnamon rolls, but instead of cinnamon I used liquorice. They're lovely!
Betty Liquorice rolls  first overview

San Fransisco bread with enkir flour

This is my favorite bread recipe. The classic San Frasisco loaf but with enkir flavour. Yields a lovely dark nutty loaf
Betty San Fransisco bread with enkir flour first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library