Vincent van Dough recipe

Vincent van Dough

Dover, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro
Vincent van Dough

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dal 2019

Falling in love with the look and taste of artisinal sourdough bread


Vincent van Dough is only a few months old, so there is much more room for a personality to grow. Currently he has a slightly sour taste when used in a standard sourdough loaf .

Sapore e aroma

Vincent van Dough top shot
Vincent van Dough jar shot
Vincent van Dough front shot
Vincent van Dough rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Whole wheat flour
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Discard half of the starter (removed starter is fried in oil with some herbs for a mid-day snack so nothing is wasted)
Add wheat flour and water, each weighing in grams the same amount (or more) of remaining starter. Mix until there is no dry flour left

Metodo di lavorazione

Using a mason jar, I mixed equal parts by grams of whole wheat flour and spring water.
50% Whole wheat flour 50% Water
Let mixture sit uncovered for a few days for bacteria to start growing.


Butternut Squash and Cherry Bread

Sourdough made with pureed butternut squash and mixed in cherries
Vincent van Dough Butternut Squash and Cherry Bread first overview
Vincent van Dough Butternut Squash and Cherry Bread second overview
Vincent van Dough Butternut Squash and Cherry Bread first slice
Vincent van Dough Butternut Squash and Cherry Bread second slice

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