Severn Bites Rye Sourdough recipe

Severn Bites Rye Sourdough

Cambridge, Regno Unito


Liquido Farina Altro
Severn Bites Rye Sourdough

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dal 2014

I volunteered at a bakery in Normandy where everything was made by hand and baked in a wood fired oven.


My rye starter is very thick and bubbly.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Light rye flour
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

My sourdough is fed immediately after using it. The day I want to start my sourdough, it is fed early in the morning with water that's about 21 degrees. It will then be used about 2 pm. I add 30% of flour weight in starter to the mix. Nothing is discarded.

Metodo di lavorazione

This starter is well travelled. It was created in the UK, then went to France in a dried state where I used it whilst training at Ecole Banette. Bringing it back to the UK, it is now fed with Shipton Mill's Light Rye Flour
50% Light rye flour 50% Water

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