
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2013

Just loves the whole process. it's like growing from a seed... and cooking from scratch. keep my mind calm and the final result is so rewarding and yes sometimes no so good. Along the journey i meet lots of generous sharing professional and home bakers that so ever willing to inspire and help. pretty awesome... and yes the journey continues Never bored to get going for my next bake..


100% hydration. fed with only organic bread flour. very gooey texture, not watery even at 100% hydration. smells like beer and sometimes like beaufort cheese. very bubbly. usually it takes less than 4 hours to triple.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco


Metodo di lavorazione


Conserva il tuo lievito madre per il futuro

Crea il tuo Esplora la biblioteca