Parte della biblioteca Puratos


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 1919

I was gifted Cornelius by an old woman in Iceland and now through workshops I teach about sourdough, everyone receives a piece of Cornelius - so he spreads around the world and is baked by hundreds!


158 years old and counting! Due to this program, we couldnt show his actual age as it only went so far back. Picked up on the microbial circus tour 2016 in Iceland. he migrated in 1865 from the Basque Country via boat to iceland. this is how we know that he is so old.

Sapore e aroma

Cornelius  top shot
Cornelius  jar shot
Cornelius  front shot
Cornelius  rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole wheateat
take out Cornelius from fridge there is just enough sourdough on the edges of the jar and at the bottom to feed. no throwing excess sourdough out
50% Water 50% Whole wheateat
feed Cornelius 150 grams of whole grain flour (he has a diverse diet of wheat, rye and spelt and sometimes enjoys his comfort food of barley) and 150 grams of water
allow to sit at room temp for 4-8 hours (depending on temp). use 275grams of active Cornelius for bread

Metodo di lavorazione



Alexis Goertz

Cornelius  Alexis  Goertz first overview
Cornelius  Alexis  Goertz second overview
Cornelius  Alexis  Goertz first slice
Cornelius  Alexis  Goertz second slice

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Glad to have Cornelius in the sourdough library. Hence the pink dot!