
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2019

My girlfriend really wanted some and my buddy was really into making it, so I decided to get into it!


Yeasty and nutty with minimal tartness. Plays well with cold and is wildly active when warm. Whole wheat flour is it's preferred flour to rise.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 150g Water
  • 60g Red fife
  • 30g Bread flour
  • 10g Rye flour
  • 10g Buckwheat flour

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 50g Water
  • 40g Red fife
  • 10g White flour
  • 10g Rye flour
Remove from fridge, allow to become active.(6-8 hours)
Discard 120 g of starter And add below ingredients
50g Water 40g Red fife 10g White flour 10g Rye flour

Metodo di lavorazione

Mix all together and let sit out overnight, covered with a paper towel
150g Water 60g Red fife 30g Bread flour 10g Rye flour 10g Buckwheat flour
Discard 50g, mix in the same ingredients as above, but halved. Allow to sit for another day.
Day 3-7, discard 150g, and mix in the ingredients above, but halved from first step.
By this point, it should be rising on a schedule, and healthy. Feed every 12 hours with 50g red fife, 10 g white flour, and 50 g water. Discard 100 g starter


Black Garlic Sourdough

A delicious combination of black garlic and sourdough bread!

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