Depuis 1964
My stepmother Elaine created my starter in Sparks, MD, USA, 1964. She made amazing bread & biscuits, & shared it with my sisters & me, as well as friends all over, including one who used it for bread served in her restaurant. I have shared this starter with friends all over the U.S. & Canada, & as far away as New Zealand. I am currently experimenting with drying it to mail to a friend in Iceland.
When I first began working with it (mid-80s), it took time to rise. Bread sat overnight before kneading and shaping, and then rose for several hours. Biscuits took at least 8 hours to rise. In recent years, the starter's rising power has become as fast as commercial yeast. It has a pleasant flavour, but if these breads had been named after my starter, they would not have been called "sour"dough.
Goût et saveur

Ingrédients de base
- 50% Flour
- 50% Water or milk
Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain
- 50% Flour
- 50% Water (sometimes milk)
Méthode de travail
Sourdough biscuits and bread from an old Sunset Cookbook of Breads

In case it helps, I have managed to dry it for transport or storage for a long time.
The dough that I remove to refresh it, I place it in a thin layer on baking paper, inside the oven with 45 degrees Celsius maximum, until it is completely dry (about 8 hours) then I grind it with a coffee grinder, I place it in bags nylon sealed in the refrigerator for up to 3 years !!!
When you want to reactivate it, put 50 grams of dried dough, 50 grams of flour and 100 grams of water and in a few hours it "starts".
Good luck!!