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Charakteristische Eigenschaften
Works well with loaves with a high rye content, my standard loaf. When fed regularly it is a steadfast companion in my home bakery.
Geschmack und Aroma
Zutaten für den Starter
- 50% Organic stone-milled rye flour
- 100% Filtered water
- 1tbsp Organic stone-milled rye flour
- 2tbsp Filtered water
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 100g Organic flour(rye
- 100g Water
I keep a small amount (25 gram) of my starter saved.
This is mixed with equal amount of flour (mostly rye both I can throw some spelt or organic wheat in there as well) and de-chlorinated water. It is then left in a spot slightly warmer than room temperature for 5-6 hours to get the fermentation going. By the end of that it should be bubbly and alive.
100g Organic flour(rye
100g Water
Mix organic whole-grain rye flour with the double amount of water (a small amount will do, a couple of tablespoons of flour is all good) in a small jar or bowl.
Keep in a warm spot (I keep it in the cupboard above the refrigator).
50% Organic stone-milled rye flour
100% Filtered water
Shake/stir the jar/bowl at least once every 24 hours, preferably twice a day. At the same time, smell the mix and look for any activity in the form of bubbles.
After two to three days, feed the starter with a small amount of water and rye flour. Repeat this step every other day until you see activity and can feel a distinct slighly sour fragrance.
1tbsp Organic stone-milled rye flour
2tbsp Filtered water