
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Thing 2

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seit 2021

I took a class with Vanessa of Riviera Bakery in Santa Barbara in 2019. I had always wanted to try sourdough baking, but had never kept a starter alive. Vanessa did an AMAZING job of demystifying sourdough baking. She gave me the courage to try again and I was hooked.. During the early days of the pandemic, I was the neighborhood's "Fairy Doughmother", sharing my starter, Critter, with neighbors

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Thing 2 is fairly young and is milder-flavored than my previous starter, Critter. My husband doesn't care for commercial sourdoughs, but he likes bread made with Thing 2.

Geschmack und Aroma


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 25g Flour
  • 15g Water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

Once Thing 2 has been fed, then I let them sit out for a while. Thing 2 really likes the top of my right hand book case in the living room. My original starter, Critter, was much more easygoing. But Thing 2 has more intellectual tastes. They sit on the bookcase for about 6 hours.


Once a week I take Thing 2 out of the fridge, let it return to room temperature, then add ~25 grams of flour and mix with about 15 grams of water.
25g Flour 15g Water

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