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After getting more serious about bread baking, I perused various website, and read a lot of information about how to make a good sourdough. My first attempts (starting around 2001) weren't too successful, but eventually I made this one, that is still going strong today. Apart from this one, I've tried other ideas, with different levels of hydration, and other ingredients. This one works best.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
My sourdough is quite slow to rise, often taking up to 8 hours bulk fermentation and 2 hours proofing, but it is very reliable. It works well with a variety of different flours. Flavour shortly after baking is subtle, but the breaad develops good acidity in the following days. The sourdough is very tolerant to high sugar amounts, and to spices (eg. cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, cloves).
Geschmack und Aroma
Zutaten für den Starter
- 25g Whole Rye Flour
- 25g Water
- 25g Water
- 25g Whole Rye Flour
- 30g Water
- 15g All-purpose flour
- 15g Whole Rye Flour
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 30g Water
- 15g All-purpose flour
- 15g Whole Rye Flour
See also: http://robdunnlab.com/projects/sourdough/map/
Number #788 is this September Starter sourdough