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My mother was the family baker when she was a young woman in Greece. Every week her mother would ask her to get the preferment (old dough ball kept from previous bake) which was stored in the wooden flour trough. There it fed happily during the week. I have always made homemade bread and wanted to be part of this ancient tradition which connects me to my culture. It is a special experience for me.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
My starter now lives in the fridge, kept at 1:5:5 ratio and fed weekly. Even there it continues to rise slowly! I try to make sure it is well balanced and give it a peak to peak feed at least once a month to keep it strong. I take it out the night before and refresh with a few feeds and she is ready for baking. My starter is still young but is maturing with every bake. I am so pleased with her.
Geschmack und Aroma
Zutaten für den Starter
- 40g Rye
- 40g Water
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 15g Rye
- 15g Bread flour
- 15g Wholemeal Wheat Flour
- 45g Water
- 9g Starter