Golden Beauty
Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf
Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Sauerteig Entdecken Sie die Bibliothekseit 2017
I wanted to give my family bread made with pure ingredients and without added chemicals, additives and preservatives that are found in commercial breads.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
My starter has been faithfully giving me great breads since it was born. My friends love breads that I make for them and they are regularly taking them. Maturing time of the starter depends on weather conditions. On hot and humid days, it matures in 4-5 hours. On cooler days, it takes 6-8 hours to mature.
Geschmack und Aroma
Zutaten für den Starter
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
I feed it with equal quantities of flour and water.
My starter was born on 1st June 2017 using all purpose flour and water in equal quantities. I keep it refreshed by discarding half of it and refreshing with 30grams of each flour and water. It is refreshed every 12H. I bake 3-4 breads every week.
Sourdough Loaf
This is a sourdough loaf with seeds.
Sourdough Boule
A sourdough boule with seeds.
Enriched Sourdough Loaf
This bread is enriched with butter. I also add seeds or herbs in it.
Sourdough Cinnamon rolls
Amazingly delicious cinnamon rolls. Mildly sweetened to deliver more flavour.
I am enjoying the process of creating breads made with natural yeast.