Fred Farter recipe

Fred Farter

Green Level, Vereinigte Staaten


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Fred Farter

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seit 2020

Scared of bread and had extra time on my hands, so I learned.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Even with a solid 3-4 folds it tends to not hold gluten structure all that well but has a delicious crumb and crust, so the optics are trivial. The smell is leathery as a starter, one that excites me every time I smell it.

Geschmack und Aroma


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 100% Starter

Zutaten für die Auffrischung



I Typically feed with 80% hydration on Fred with 25% rye and 75% AP. After several failed attempts at a starter Fred was born a few days before Christmas 2020. I’m always impressed with his creations, and the way he seems to get the BG’s after he’s fed. Fred is a good boy and glad he’s in our family. My hope is to one day pass him down to my kids and create an heirloom.
100% Starter

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