Danish Rye starter
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I had family from Denmark coming and last time they were here they kept saying that they couldn’t get traditional Danish rye bread here . So I thought I would attempt to replicate it
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
It’s moderately thick , light yeasty beer smell and started here from wind born local yeasts
Geschmack und Aroma

Zutaten für den Starter
- .25Cup Dark rye flour
- .25Cup White flour
- .5Cup Water
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
Mix filtered water in first and add 1/4 cup Dark rye flour and a 1/4 cup unbleached white flour and mix it twice a day and keep it on my counter covered with cheesecloth held on with an elastic band
A starter for making traditional Danish Rye bread
.25Cup Dark rye flour
.25Cup White flour
.5Cup Water
Traditional Danish Rye Bread
Dark Rye and Unbleached white flor mixed with Cracked rye and winter wheat with sunflower seeds and brown flax seeds

I really like this bread and everyone I’ve given it to has loved it as well. My Danish company says the flavour and texture is spot on. The unfortunate (fortunate) thing is because everyone likes it I get called upon to bake extras to give away to the panhandlers. Lol. I got the original recipes from a website called nordicfoodliving.com the bread is called rugbrod. I have been baking it weekly and will continue to do so