Ancient Farreus
Since 2020
I created this starter because I deal with food and wine archeology. Find everything on my website www.arkeogustus.com
The peculiarity of my yeast is the reproduction of an Ancient Egyptian recipe created with spelled flour and water. Fermentation occurs naturally also aided by the sugars of acacia honey. The hint of sour is light as well as the dough which is very delicate.
Taste & flavour

Starting ingredients
- 20% Einkorn flour (monococco)
- 20% Water
- 10% Honey
- 40% Flour
- 40% Water
Feeding ingredients
Leave to rest for 48 hours covered with a damp cotton handkerchief. Store in a dry place at a temperature of about 20 °C.
After 48 hours of rest it is important to refresh for 7 days. To refresh the mixture, add about 40 grams of flour and 40 grams of water. Remember to refresh at the same time every day for 7 days. After this procedure, everything can be stored in the refrigerator and refreshed every 15 days.
Working method
The first phase of the dough involves the use of einkorn flour, about 2o grams, and about 20 grams of warm water.
20% Einkorn flour (monococco)
20% Water
10% Honey
After 48 hours of rest it is important to refresh for 7 days. To refresh the mixture, add about 40 grams of flour and 40 grams of water. Remember to refresh at the same time every day for 7 days. After this procedure, everything can be stored in the refrigerator and refreshed every 15 days.
40% Flour
40% Water
Ancient bread
The ancient spelled bread that the Egyptian ancestors ate is a bread with few honeycombs but crunchy on the outside.