
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Bready Mercury

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2021 이후

I was always fascinated by the art of sourdough and bread making but found it quite intimidating. Finally had the chance to try it out at pastry school when my baking mentor chef Sheldon broke down the process for us and helped us build our starter from scratch. Been practicing ever since.


The final product is mellow with a ripe fruity quality. India is not accustomed to very sour breads and hence I use my starter right before it peaks. It has enough strength to open up beautifully and the loaves typically have an even crumb that is not very open.

맛과 풍미

Bready Mercury rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 29g All purpose flour
  • 1g Gluten
  • 30g Water
  • 3g Starter




Started off as a stiff starter with water from soaking apple peels. It’s a liquid starter with a very fruity smell. I use all purpose flour since bread flour is hard to come by and often very expensive in India.
29g All purpose flour
To this I add vital gluten as the all purpose flour is quite weak and needs a boost to build strength.
1g Gluten
I add cold water to this.
30g Water
Finally add starter to this, thoroughly combine and set it aside for about 8 hours. If I’m not using it later I refrigerate it at 5c after 3 hours of feeding.
3g Starter


Sourdough pizza

Naturally leavened pizza. Made a light airy base with a glass thin crust.
Bready Mercury Sourdough pizza first overview
Bready Mercury Sourdough pizza first slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library