
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2020 이후

I always wanted to make a starter, I had all the tools and books. During pandemic, I had a chance to make it happen! And I had the time to experiment and fall in love with sourdough baking!


It behaves a lot with temperature changes, it stays for a while with lactic smell, after triple or 4x, it starts to come down and more acidic.

맛과 풍미

FIFO  top shot
FIFO  jar shot
FIFO  front shot
FIFO  rising shot


시작하는 원료


  • 10g Starter
  • 95g Bread flour
  • 5g Rye flour
  • 100g Water.
  • 10g Starter
  • 67g Bread flour
  • 3g Rye flour
  • 70g Add water
In Summer (room temperature ~ 24C) 1:10:10 Ex:Starter (10g), Bread Flour(95g), Rye Flour (5g), Water (100g)
10g Starter 95g Bread flour 5g Rye flour 100g Water.
In Winter (room temp ~ 22C) 1:7:7 Ex: Starter (10g), Bread flour (67g), Rye Flour (3g), Water (70g)
10g Starter 67g Bread flour 3g Rye flour 70g Add water


Ingredients: Wheat flour: I always add my best strong flour, usually around 13% of protein. I use 10x the amount of starter during Summer (RT: 24C) or 7x during winter (RT: 22C) Rye Flour: it’s usually used to keep a good colony of bacteria and yeast, I always use 5% of the total flour. Water: always use filtrated water, and the same amount of total flour (check wheat flour + rye flour).


Apple Galette

Galette dough made with sourdough discard and topped with sliced apples with sugar and cinnamon.
FIFO  Apple Galette first overview
FIFO  Apple Galette second overview

Sourdough pizza

Sourdough pizza dough fermented for 48 hours in fridge.
FIFO  Sourdough pizza first overview
FIFO  Sourdough pizza second overview
FIFO  Sourdough pizza first slice

Sourdough breads

Sourdough breads from this starter.
FIFO  Sourdough breads first overview
FIFO  Sourdough breads second overview
FIFO  Sourdough breads first slice
FIFO  Sourdough breads second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library