
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2016 이후

In 2016 while visiting a local bookstore, I stumbled upon a book that told about sourdough baking. The thought of connecting back to the roots of baking was exciting. Since then, she has been a trusted and a reliable baking companion through years. The journey to learn more about the craft, the science behind it, and the love for baking continues.


While calm and soft, packs a good punch of strength and flavor.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 100% Wheat flour
  • 100% Water
  • 10% Grated apple


  • 80% Wheat flour
  • 20% Rye flour
  • 100% Water
Feeding with 1:1:1 ratio daily and keeping a total of 15-30 grams of starter in room temperature.
80% Wheat flour 20% Rye flour 100% Water


The starter was created from wheat, water, and a bit of grated apple. It started originally as a 100% wheat starter but I nowadays use a mixture of rye and wheat.
100% Wheat flour 100% Water 10% Grated apple


Sourdough breads

Tyyni is a versatile fellow: She turns into various breads in many forms depending on their ingredients.
Tyyni Sourdough breads first overview
Tyyni Sourdough breads second overview
Tyyni Sourdough breads first slice
Tyyni Sourdough breads second slice

Sweet pastries

Occasionally a small seed of Varpu with its regular food and sugar turns into sweet starter for buns and sweet bakes
Tyyni Sweet pastries first overview
Tyyni Sweet pastries second overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library