Mother's Rye recipe

Mother's Rye

Motherwell, United Kingdom
완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Mother's Rye

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2016 이후

I have a big passion for bread and how it made and baking bread and thought how intresting bread is without yeast love the sourdough way of baking. I learn from baking books and tv, i am not a professional baker but have lots of passion for baking bread


Beer/cider smell slight sour notes Still a baby starter so taste/smell still time to mature

맛과 풍미

Mother's Rye top shot
Mother's Rye jar shot
Mother's Rye front shot
Mother's Rye rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • g 125
  • g 125


  • 125g Light rye
  • 125g Tap water
I feed my sourdough starter every 6 days take out of fridge feed 125g light rye flour with 125g tap water mix back in fridge to work its magic
125g Light rye 125g Tap water


I use Wessex mill flour i use light rye flour with tap water and environment in my kitchen added flavours from my fridge/kitchen
g 125
Water is used tap water light rye flour
g 125


Mother's Rye starter

Pizzas Sandwitch bread Seeded loafs Rye loafs Bread rolls Blommer loaf Much more Breads
Mother's Rye Mother's Rye starter  first overview
Mother's Rye Mother's Rye starter  second overview
Mother's Rye Mother's Rye starter  first slice
Mother's Rye Mother's Rye starter  second slice


More bread bakes made by me
Mother's Rye Breads first overview
Mother's Rye Breads second overview
Mother's Rye Breads first slice
Mother's Rye Breads second slice

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Mother's Rye More pics first overview
Mother's Rye More pics second overview
Mother's Rye More pics first slice
Mother's Rye More pics second slice

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My rye starter tried with white bread flour but went wrong. So started with rye light rye works veey well.