
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2021

I Forster starten with fermentation and via this way wanten to know more about sourdough. As i haven been backing bread , i wanten to switch to a more healthier way of making my OWN Bread.


The dough is ligth coloured with a with a soft banana smell. Because i use whole grain wheat you can see the wheats in the dough.

Sapore e aroma

Gerthel jar shot
Gerthel front shot
Gerthel rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • g Whole grain
  • g Water
ADD 50 gr whole grain
g Whole grain
ADD 50gr water
g Water

Metodo di lavorazione

1 : mix 100gr Rey fluor with 100ml water 2: next 3 days add Every 12 50gr weath flour and 50 gr water. 3: On day 4 remove half of the dough 4: next 3 days add every 12 hours 50gr weath flour and 50 gr of water


Already made 2 times pancakes. The rest is pend on making bread.
Gerthel  second overview

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This dough is a recent creation, based on a few Brooks that i read. One of them is a book by Anita Sumer, which had reference to this website.
My next step is to come and visite the library at Sankt Vith